Survey Snapshots |
Our ApproachOur approach is simple: We help Government and Educational organizations manage and train staff, employees, and clients on diversity issues without blame, fault or guilt.
We understand that people are doing the best they can with what they have. Yet we encourage them to examine themselves, explore other cultures, and become allies for others. We work to move people's behaviors not by pushing them or making them feel guilty. We dissect, analyze, and making meaning of the issues that challenge us in a fair, balanced way that people can hear and understand. We motivate individuals to create something collaboratively. All Human Behavior is Goal Directed All human behavior is goal directed which means that people do what they do because they believe that it is helping them reach a goal. We help get things in order when the organization's goals differ from personal goals and old behaviors don't work any longer. We Love Bigots, Racist, and Homophobic People We know that people are not born hating others. We have been taught to hate. This provides us with an opportunity to re-educate those that have been miseducated. People truly can learn, change and grow. This process takes time, energy, and humbleness to see their point of view to help them create new and better behaviors. Attitude is Not Just an Emotion I have heard people say that your attitude is more important than skill or ability. I would like you to think about an attitude as a side effect of something more profound. When people get what, they want they have a good attitude. When they are denied, they have a bad attitude. When their goal is achieved, their attitude improves. Goals drive attitudes and attitudes are side effects of goals. We have to be clear about professional and personal goals. We help clear the air to create a healthy organizational climate, increasing performance and customer service. |
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How We WorkWe cause, teach, and inspire people to think. We ask them to find solutions to their group’s problems. I know that sounds nice. The truth is that we can come to your organization and do a great presentation, but at the end of the day I am going home and you will be left to deal with each other.
No BLAME, FAULT or GUILT We want you above all else to think and think critically about diversity issues. None of currently living set up the systems of racism, sexism or prejudice, so spending time blame and pointing fingers is a waste of time. Our training spend more time looking at our commonalities than placing fault or blame. Just Responsibility! We have to take responsibility for the world that was given to us, although we did not create these systems. We must create justice and equity in our lifetime so our children can live better lives. We promise 3 things 1.You and your group will not think about yourselves, your professional; relationships or familial relationships the same because we will cause you to re-examine everything you have been taught about people who differ from you and what you think you know about them. 2. You will enjoy being with each other during our diversity sessions. Not have fun, but enjoy the process of learning from each other through experiential activities, videos, and discussion. We have no talking heads. 3. You will have plans of action, things to do next, and ways to sustain both personally and professionally what you have learned. |